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Esophageal atresia is a birth defect in which a baby is born without part of her esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). 

In progress

Nothing is certain. Every case of esophageal atresia is different.

However long gap has some solucions to be repaired and are called Foker technique and Zaritzky technique. 

In progress
Our experience

Read our history in Spanish or Italian. We are still working on the translation. 


- Spanish

- Italian

In progress
Contacts and links

We are still working on the English page.

Get info from these pages:


- Spanish

- Italian





We are still working on the English content, sorry.


Please, use the Spanish or Italian sites to get useful links and other informations.  

The content is intended to support, not to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Pictures do not show children with atresia. They are from the free gallery of Wix.

Atresia Esofago - long gap

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